Bucket List
Right, so around 2000, I got the inspiration to make an academic bucket list. These are whimsical goals I set myself just for fun. The challenge is to find ways to do them that are still academically respectable, which is not always easy. In retrospect, I wish I had the idea sooner as the list could have been much longer by now if I had. In any event, here is the present list:
1) Publish a serious academic paper listing all my kids and their pets by name: Check
2) Publish a serious academic paper beginning with "It was a dark and stormy night": Check
3) Publish a serious academic paper based on Monty Python's Black Knight skit: Check
4) Publish a serious academic paper containing a cartoon: Check (link not yet active)
5) Publish a serious academic paper on the Prime Directive from Star Trek: Check
6) Hold a serious academic conference on a cruise ship
7) Publish a serious academic paper with a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe theme.
I would LOVE to hear suggestions - just email me.